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How to install WordPress on your Web Space

I have written a blog post about how to start blog step by step and now I am writing the next part of it which is about installing WordPress on your web space.

Why WordPress?

If you want to be a professional blogger, you would need a well managed website which you can build within hours with the world’s best CMS(Content Management System), WordPress. It is the most powerful CMS for blogging.
Now a day, WordPress is even being used to build business websites because of its great plugin support which make things easier.

I can say more than 90% of professional bloggers do use wordpress as their blogging CMS.

Any way these were some facts about wordpress but now what?  You want to start a blog for which you have already bought and set up domain, hosting? And now wondering how to install wordpress on the web space(i.e. server) in order to launch the blog?

Ok then! Let’s start.

Now days, most of the hosting providers give an option to install WP in the CPanel only which seems to be very easy but I always prefer uploading WP via FTP clients such as Filezilla or cute FTP. So I will describe installing WP on the hosting space through Filezilla. If you don’t have the filezilla software installed on your system then don’t be panic its free, Download from here.

First Step

Open wordpress.org and download the latest version of WordPress CMS software. Click on the button marked with red box in this screenshot and your download will be started.


Now you have WordPress downloaded on your local system in a zip file. Extract it.

Second Step


When you buy hosting you get FTP(File Transfer Protocol) details which lets you transfer files on your server. The detail contains hostname, username and password which you have to enter in these text boxes of Filezilla(FTP client) and click on Connect[see above image], If the details you filled are correct then you will be connected to the server and now be able to upload files from your local system(your computer) to server and vice-versa.

Third step

Now see the screenshot:-

 how-to-upload files on server

This image shows I entered my hostname, username, password in the respective fields and clicked on “quickconnect” button. As the details are OK it got connected.
Now you just have to locate your WordPress folder on local system, explore it then select all, right click and click upload.


That’s it. The file will start uploading from local system to server

Now wait for the files to get uploaded.

Note:- It depends on you as in which directory you want  your wordpress to be upload. Basically people upload it on the root. I am using one.com so I just have to upload on root but with other hosting providers you have to upload it into Public_html folder  or something else (That you can always ask your hosting provider if you have confusion there.) Even if you want to make a different folder and then you can create a directory there on server and upload the WP files within it.

Fourth Step

When all the files will be uploaded to the server you will not see anything in Queued files[it shows the number of files queued when upload in process]. Also, as soon as the files will be uploaded on the server filezilla gets disconnected automatically.

Now you have to set up your wp-config.php file which is needed in order to connect the application to Database. It can be done by manually opening the file from server and fill the required details[DB name, DB username, password, host]. But there is much easier option comes when you open your blog for the very first time, it shows you to run the install and you just have click on it and it will be done automatically and then you will see this screen:-

Wordpress wp Config Screen


Here it is asking for few details such as DB name, DB username, DB password, DB host and table prefix.
You need to create a Database with a username and password then fill those details here. Database host most of the times remain as localhost but it varies with hosting providers. There is a default table prefix entered which you should change to whatever you want.

In Case of One.com, I get readymade DB name, DB username, DB pwd and DB host so I don’t need to create but with other hosting services you have to create so I will explain in other post later about creating Database through your cpanel. So for the time being I assume you are having the DB name, DB username, password and other DB details in hand.

Fifth Step

Click on Let’s go! And you will see this screen


Replace the default entered values with your own and hit on Submit. Submitting this will connect the wordpress application to the database. So now everything is set up and you will see this screen next that will ask you to create login credentials for your WordPress blog.

 Blog set up screen

Fill the details as per your requirement and click on “install wordpress”! Now your blog is ready to use. Now if you open the url of your blog you can see the site is live and running.

Later you have to configure your blog for other settings and also you have to install plugins for additional options and all. there are hell lot of customization you can do but for the time you have a blog ready where you can start posting! Happy Blogging!

I hope you have enjoyed this basic guide to install wordpress on your server to make your site live and running.  Share your views about this basic guide to install WP on your hosting space. If you have any question regarding this you may ask in comment section.

Comments (28)

  • Hello Atish
    Really informative article.Learnt so much things from you. I really didn’t know how can We transfer local host to server.
    Thanks 🙂
    Waiting for some good stuff from your side

  • Spectacular blog after blog. Its a great and detailing share for newbies. Thanks for your apparent and viable points.

  • Nice guide Atish 🙂

    As per your title, even the newbies would install the WordPress for their self-hosted domain with this post.

    Its is clear and easy to read. Always looking for these kind of stuffs from you, so please keep writing 🙂

  • Dear atish, how can I check if my already installed blog is on cpanel or ftp?

    • Author

      Hello Bikramjit, Whether you install from cpanel(fantistico or someother ad on) or FTP it will be saved on same place.

      If you connect from FTP client you can see there wp-content, wp-admin, wp-includes folders and some other files listed if wordpress is already installed. If not you can see blank.

      If you log in using Cpanel, go to File manager and look for WordPress files, if you can see them, means WP is installed already.

      let me know if you have any more question. thanks for coming by.

  • Hi Atish,

    I always use cPanel to login my account. So always forget how to use ftp. This guide will help me a lot. Whenever I need any type of help I will read your tutorial..I have bookmarked your link.

    Thanks for sharing

    • Author

      Install Filezilla on your home PC or laptop and log in to your sever once. It will remember your credentials. So from next time you just have to click the drowdown icon next to “quickconnect” on your filezilla and select the site and you will be connected. 🙂 Enjoy!

  • Hello Atish, I have started visiting to your this personal blog lately, I found less posts here but I can say that all are master pieces. I am so happy to read this write up specially because I love How to guides with proper screenshots and that you did here. For me its brilliant. Keep writing such stuffs.

  • Great tutorial in simple way. Love it. I didn’t any confusion while learning this with this How to guide. Keep sharing Atish.

  • Hi Atish,

    This guide looks pretty clear. I’ve always installed WP via cPanel, though, and would like it if you’d explained why you prefer to do it this way, because it’s a much more complicated process.

    I was just a bit confused by your bit about setting up the database – it wasn’t clear to me whether you can just make up your own name, password etc. or whether we have to await instructions for that in a future tutorial. You say you have a ‘ready-made’ database, but it’s not clear to me how that works.

    I like the way you’ve explained acronyms, broken it down into stages and used screenshots – very helpful.

    • Author

      By ready made database details means I get the required details from my hosting provider only. In the most cases with other hosting providers, we have to create Database through Cpanel.

      I love this way because I am pretty much familiar with FTP clients since long and I started installing WP with this only hence now I am used to of it.

      Yes, I will write a post about how to create database in Cpanel. Thanks you stopped by and shared your views as well.

  • What a super cool guide bro ! ! 🙂 🙂 Ill be awaiting the extension of this guide, adding webmaster, analytics etc in WP! 🙂

  • Hello Atish,
    Nice tuition lesson all the details are given by you are very use full and informative for thus which are interested .Thanks for sharing nice job and great article .

  • Very first thing a fresh blogger needs to know for start-up. You have written so clearly with all information regarding installing. This is surely gonna help newbies. Keep sharing 😀

  • Hi Atish,

    I love this post. It is long enough to cover the subject matters and short to be interesting. It doesn’t cost much time to get the message across to the readers even a beginner can use it to get WordPress up and running in no time.
    aceclue recently posted…Small Business Marketing IdeasMy Profile

  • Nice…I was looking for info on FTP and I think I got what I needed!



  • hey atish this one is really good every time i am try to setup wordpress from filezila and done all process but not able to deal with wp config.php file but after reading this its work and now i also know to install wordpress by filezila not using cpanel 🙂

  • Hi Atish,

    This article is very informative for all newbie bloggers, as this may help their problem related to installing WordPress. Many bloggers actually facing a problem in WordPress installation but here is the solution. Valuable article.



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